Ordering of the statements in vhdl code does not affect its meaning.Below is a simple example demonstrating concurrent assignment.
Example 1.
Example 1.
library IEEE;
entity test123 is
Port ( enb_n: in std_logic;
f:out std_logic
end test123;
architecture test123_arch of test123 is
signal Atemp: std_logic;
signal stemp: std_logic;
f <= '0' WHEN enb_n='1' ELSE
not Atemp WHEN stemp='0' ELSE
Atemp <= '1';
stemp <= '0';
end test123_arch;
Output :
f=0 Atemp=1 stemp=0 enb_n=0
This will not be a sequential assignment.Now if the statements are rearranged then output will be the same (because of concurrent assignment) Atemp <= '1';
stemp <= '0';
f <= '0' WHEN enb_n='1' ELSE
not Atemp WHEN stemp='0' ELSE
Output : f=0 Atemp=1 stemp=0 enb_n=0
Types of Concurrent Assignments :
1.) Simple Signal assignemt.
Example :
A.) B <= '1';
B.) Z <= A1 xor A2 xor A3;
C.) L <= not B;
2.) Select Signal Assignment.
3.) Conditional Assignment Statements.
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